| 1. | Radiotherapy ' s investigation on personality of postsurgical breast cancer patients 乳腺癌术后放射治疗患者人格的调查 |
| 2. | The treatment of atrial fibrillation was a key factor for the prevention of cerebral embolism 口服华法令用量不足可能是抗凝治疗患者发生脑栓塞的原因之一。 |
| 3. | The nosocomial infection are all in the surgical site ( 70 . 59 % ) and the respiratory tract ( 29 . 41 % ) 方法回顾性分析该院1055例食管癌手术治疗患者的临床资料。 |
| 4. | It will initially be used in patients suffering from eye diseases , potentially saving the sight of thousands of people 它最初被用来治疗患者眼部疾病,将会挽救数千人的视力。 |
| 5. | Online conference for diabetes care professionals . view lectures , connect with colleagues , and collaborate to learn -介绍糖尿病病因诊断标准分类治疗患者保健和防治研究动态。 |
| 6. | The fundamental tenet of the integrated psychiatry is that human body - mind - spirit is an integral whole . physician treats patient as a dynamic whole 整体精神病治疗法的原则是人的身心? ?精神是一个完整的整体。医生治疗患者是个动态过程。 |
| 7. | The drugs may be used for treating the patients during the pandemic period while the use of antiviral drugs for prophylaxis may need to be prioritized 库存的抗病毒药物可在大流行期间用于治疗患者,但要以这些药物用作预防用途,则可能须要考虑优先次序的问题。 |
| 8. | Adjuvant systemic treatment was advised less often when the more restrictive dutch cbo guidelines were used compared with that fi nally given after use of the prognosis signature 通过使用预后基因表达标志评价的采用辅助治疗患者相比较更为严格的荷兰cbo指南的患者数量增加了。 |
| 9. | The finding , published today in the annals of internal medicine , is consistent with recommendations from the american diabetes association and other groups that call for starting patients on metformin before trying other drugs 这一发现今天发布在内科学年鉴上,其结果与美国糖尿病协会和其它组织的建议“在使用其它药物前先试用二甲双胍来治疗患者”是一致的。 |
| 10. | The american society of regional anesthesia ( asra ) consensus statements on neuraxial anesthesia and anticoagulation states that no definitive recommendation can be made for removal of epidural catheters in patients with therapeutic levels of oral anticoagulants Asra关于轴索麻醉和抗凝状态一致强调,对于接受口服抗凝药治疗患者拔除硬膜外导管没有作出确定的建议。 |