| 1. | It was a neighbor he knew only socially . 这位邻居跟他只是泛泛之交。 |
| 2. | He had known the levine family only casually . 他跟列文一家只是泛泛之交。 |
| 3. | I quote you generally . 我只是泛泛地引用你的话。 |
| 4. | A world tour was something they had often talked about, but always vaguely, as something for the future . 他们常常谈论周游世界,但总是泛泛说说,似乎那是将来的事。 |
| 5. | Cloning babies , however sound in the abstract , 泛泛地谈论克隆婴儿不管多么动听, |
| 6. | We think in generalities , but we live in detail 我们泛泛地思考,却在细节中生活。 |
| 7. | Are you friends or cautious acquaintances 你们是好友还是泛泛之交? |
| 8. | Always the same general details 听到的总是那一套泛泛之谈。 |
| 9. | That kind of thing ? - yeah , but not just like any dirty talk 类似这种问题? -对,不过不只是这么泛泛的 |
| 10. | I can assure you that ceos are seldom people people 我可以肯定地告诉你: “ ceo们从来不会是泛泛之辈。 ” |