[ dòngruòguānhuǒ ] (比喻观察事物明白透彻) very clear-sighted;as clear as day;as viewing a fire;clear like looking at a fire; see sth. as clearly as a blazing fire
Example Sentences:
That june would have trouble with the fellow was as plain as a pikestaff; he had no more idea of money than a cow . 琼跟这个家伙准会闹翻,这是洞若观火的;这家伙根本就不懂得什么叫钱,跟畜生一样。
For many years , the empress and crown prince wan , her stepson , have had an illicit liaison . feeling trapped , prince wan dreams of escaping the palace with his secret love chan , the imperial doctor s daughter 征战归来的大王对一切洞若观火,他召回流放在外的二王子元杰,并且格外关心王后的病情,令她按时服药流光溢彩的宫廷中,谁都深藏天大秘隐,谁都摆脱不了至命弱点。
And in his heart of hearts martin understood the situation only too well , as he leaned back and gloated at von schmidt s head , in fancy punching it well - nigh off of him , sending blow after blow home just right - the chuckle - headed dutchman 马丁身子往后靠着,得意地望着冯史密特的脑袋,他在心的深处对这局面洞若观火。他在幻想中揍着那脑袋,一拳又一拳地揍个正着,差不多要把它揍得掉下来那傻里呱叽的荷兰佬!