儿: Ⅰ名词1.(小孩子) child 短语和例子小儿 little child; 婴儿 baby; infant2.(年轻的人) youngster; youth 短语和例子男儿 man; 英雄儿女 young heroes and heroines3.(儿子) son 短语和例子他有一儿一女。 he has a son and a daughter.Ⅱ形容词(雄性的) mal
His smile, at once enchanting and melancholy, is just his father's . 他那种既迷人又有些忧郁的微笑,活脱儿象他父亲。
My eyes they say she has . do others see me so 人家都说她这双眼睛活脱儿像我。
Damn like him 活脱儿像是他。
Yes , red murray agreed . but mario was said to be the picture of our saviour . jesus mario with rougy cheeks , doublet and spindle legs “对, ”红穆雷表示同意, “然而人家说,马里奥活脱儿就像咱们的救世主哩。 ”
He looked sideways in a friendly fashion at the sideface of stephen , image of his mother , which was not quite the same as the usual blackguard type they unquestionably had an indubitable hankering after as he was perhaps not that way built 他从旁边亲切地望着斯蒂芬的侧脸:他长得活脱儿像他母亲,然而丝毫也没有通常那种必然会使女人着迷的小白脸儿恶少气,兴许他生来就不是那号人。
You never saw him anyway screwed but still and for all that she would not like him for a father because he was too old or something or on account of his face it was a palpable case of doctor fell or his carbuncly nose with the pimples on it and his sandy moustache a bit white under his nose 不过西茜从来没见过喝得醉醺醺的他。不管怎样,她才不想要这么个爹呢。也许因为他太苍老,要么就是由于他那张脸的缘故活脱儿像是费尔博士25 ,或是他那长满酒刺的红鼻子和鼻下那银丝斑斑的沙色口髭。