English translation for "活血 "
[ huóxuè ] [中医] invigorate the circulation of blood ◇活血化瘀 promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis; 活血通络 promoting blood circulation and removing obstruction in channels; 活血药 blood-activating drug; 活血止痛 promoting blood circulation and stopping pain Related Translations:活血丹 : glechoma longituba kupr
活血通经 : activating blood to promote menstruation
活血汤 : decoction for activating blood circulation
活血止痛 : invigorate the blood circulation and relieve painpromote blood circulation to stop painpromoting blood circulation to arrest painpromoting blood circulation to stop pain
活血调经 : promoting blood flow to regulate menstruationpromoting the blood flow to regulate menstruation
活血化淤 : stimulate circulation to end stasis
活血散结 : promote blood circulation and resolve masses
活血药 : drugs used to activate blood flow
活血解毒 : promoting blood circulation and detoxication
行气活血 : promoting qi to activate blood
Example Sentences: 1. The blood - activating and stasis - eliminating effect of 抗肝硬化复方的活血 化瘀作用 2. Diabetic coronary heart disease treated with invigorat 益气养阴活血 法治疗糖尿病性冠心病 3. Study the analgesic effects of huo xie jie gu capsulae by the test活血 接骨胶囊的止痛实验研究 4. Anti - germs and make the mind clear . , relax nerve 开窍醒脑,活血 通经,放松神经,抑制细菌生长。 5. Mechanism of effect of rolling method in promoting flow of qi and blood 法行气活血 效应机制浅析 6. Gong with huoxue qi , huayu painkillers 功具活血 行气,化淤止痛。 7. Cases of severe headache with huo - xue - tong - luo - zhen - tong - tang活血 通络镇痛汤治疗顽固性头痛86例86 8. Observation on deafness causing by trauma treated by huoxueyiqi decoction活血 复聪汤治疗外伤性聋疗效观察 9. Clinical observation on huo xue fang for the chronic stomach inflammation活血 方治疗慢性胃炎临床疗效分析 10. 1 pest control brand , us terminix , in shanghai beijing of china ,一种防治冠心病及补脑活血 的保健中药成药。
Similar Words: "活畜" English translation , "活畜禽" English translation , "活畜运费率" English translation , "活畜重量" English translation , "活学活用" English translation , "活血,通利血脉,通血脉,行血" English translation , "活血丹" English translation , "活血调经" English translation , "活血化淤" English translation , "活血化瘀" English translation