[ liú ] Ⅰ动 1.(液体移动; 流动) flow 短语和例子 流汗 perspire; sweat; 江河流入海中。 rivers flow into the sea.2.(移动不定) drift; move; wander 短语和例子 飘流 drift about; float; 流转 wander about; be on the move3.(流传; 传播) spread 短语和例子 广泛流传 spread far and wide4.(向坏的方面转变) degenerate; change for the worse 短语和例子 流于形式 become a mere formality5.(旧时把犯人送到辽远地区去) send into exile; banish 短语和例子 流放 send sb. into exileⅡ名词 1.(指江河的流水) stream of water; stream; current 短语和例子 洪流 mighty torrent; powerful current; 河流 river; 激[湍] 流 rushing [turbulent] stream; 顺流而行 sail with the current2.(像水流的东西) sth. resembling a stream of water; current; flow 短语和例子 寒流 cold current; 电流 electric current; 熔岩流 stream of lava; 意识流 stream of consciousness3.(品类; 等级) class; grade; rate 短语和例子 上流社会 higher-class society; 社会名流 well-known people: 第一流人品 a first-rate character
Example Sentences:
The stream had thinned down to a mere trickle . 这条小河变成细流了。
Susie cried quarts, i know she did . 苏姗泪流满面,我知道她会这样的。
Water began to trickle into his yard . 水开始慢慢地流进了他家的院里。
A free flow of water came from the pipe . 畅快的水流从管道里流了出来。
Water runs along the channel to the fields . 水顺着渠道流进地里。
But the furious currents tore them apart . 可是狂流把他们冲散了。
He now called a variable quantity a fluent . 他现在把变量叫做流。
She has pure gypsy blood in her veins . 她血管里流的是纯吉普赛人的血液。
His paper was out in large quantities . 他的票据大量地流在外面。
An expansion wave in accelerating flow broadens . 膨胀波在加速流中变宽。