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English translation for "流通票据"

formal contract
neg. inst., n. i. negotiable instruments
negotiable bill
negotiable documents
negotiable i trument
negotiable note
negotiable papers
stock warrant

Related Translations:
城乡流通:  circulation of goods between town and country
国民收入流通:  circulation of national income
流通孔道:  flow passage
流通额:  active circulation
流通时间:  currency
流通系统:  system for the distribution of commodities
流通结构:  architecture flowthroughhflow-through architecture
流通企业:  distribution firmvertriebsfirmen pl
流通税:  circulation taxicmstransaction tax
流通试验:  flow test
Example Sentences:
1.D of stocks , shares , investment securities , negotiable instruments or money
2.Other negotiable i truments and cash on deposit in banks are also co idered to be money
3.Other negotiable instruments and cash on deposit in banks are also considered to be money
4.So notes and bonds usually pay higher interest rates than short - term bills or commercial paper
5.So notes and bonds usually pay higher interest rates than short - term bills or commercial ( 写 成 commercual ) paper
6.They would almost certainly be held by the court to be negotiable instruments , albeit outside the scope of the bills of exchange act
7.Demand deposits have no maturity and must be paid by commercial banks when a negotiable instrument , generally in the form of a check or a credit card , is presented
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