The stone : variscite is an elegant gemstone that is sometimes confused with the greener types of turquoise . the colors of variscite are shades of green ranging from light bluish - green to dark green and has a waxy luster 磷铝石variscite ,是一种从透到不透,浅黄绿色及浅绿色的含水磷酸铝,由于颜色和含有微褐色填隙物质的缘故,许多磷铝石常常用来代替绿松石。
This material was loaded onto a silica gel column and the column was eluted with chloroform several times until the fraction of interest was collected . finally we obtained some light yellow green ointment liquid f i 采用硅胶作干层析柱填充物,用氯仿作展开剂和洗脱液,反复硅胶层析,对柄海鞘鞘囊氯仿浸提物进行分离、提取与纯化,最后得到一浅黄绿色的油状液体fraction (以下均称f ) 。