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English translation for "测程"

[测量学] ranging
◇测程计 odometer

Related Translations:
:  名词1.(规章; 法式) rule; regulation 短语和例子规程 rules; 章程 rules; constitution2.(进度; 程序) order; procedure 短语和例子课程 course; curriculum; 议程 agenda3.(路途; 一段路) journey; stage of a journey 短语和例子启程 set out
Example Sentences:
1.On vessels equipped with an underwater log the setting may be made automatically .
2.The reseach of improving the measurement precision for phase - laser measuring distance
3.According to the parameters such as minimum detectable power , range and reflectivity of simulant target , meteorological visibility and optical efficiency , the maximum range of laser altimeter was figured out by the range - finding equation
4.Due to the uncertainty of factors such as far - range , atmospheric attenuation and operated target , a steady and reliable method and setting to characterize laser altimeter ' s performance is an important and difficult technology
5.The analysis of data and uncertainty of the test upon different simulant target properties and atmospheric condition has proved that noncooperative regulable attenuation method and setting described in the paper can achieve a quantitative output
6.According to the minimum detectable power required by the spaceborne laser altimeter for 200km maximum range and the analysis result of the effect between the maximum range and the equation ' s each parameter , the specifications for noncooperative regulable attenuation setting were fixed on
7.By evening , the log showed that two hundred and twenty miles had been accomplished from hong kong , and mr fogg might hope that he would be able to reach yokohama without recording any delay in his journal ; in which case , the only misadventure which had overtaken him since he left london would not seriously affect his journey
8.The maximum range is the most important specification for a laser altimeter and 200km is the required level for the spaceborne laser altimeter in the lunar resources survey . in the paper , one kind of method and setting characterizing the laser altimeter ' s performance aiming at the specification of maximum range - noncooperative regulable attenuation was put forward and founded
9.This paper analyses the problem of extinction method , which have been used in ranging capability of impulse laser rangefinders now . then according the extinction method , by computer or quasi - laser and delay simulating space distance technology , realise automatic , fast and non - dismatiement testing of ranging parameters
10.Abstract : this paper analyses the problem of extinction method , which have been used in ranging capability of impulse laser rangefinders now . then according the extinction method , by computer or quasi - laser and delay simulating space distance technology , realise automatic , fast and non - dismatiement testing of ranging parameters
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