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English translation for "浪漫主义者"


Related Translations:
浪漫主义:  romanticism; romantism◇浪漫主义运动 romanticism; 浪漫主义者 romanticist; 浪漫主义作品 romanticism
浪漫主义时期:  romantic period
浪漫主义作品:  romanticism
浪漫主义音乐:  romantic music
浪漫主义画派:  romanticism
经济浪漫主义:  economic romanticism
浪漫主义后期:  late romanticism
浪漫主义文学:  ralph waldo emerson
浪漫主义运动:  romanticism
新浪漫主义:  neo-romanticism
Example Sentences:
1.In this autobiographical approach to his art berlioz is a true romantic .
2.In this autobiographical approach to his art berlios is a true romantic .
3.Romantics also tend to be nationalistic
4.Rose : you ' re more of a hopeless romantic than i am
5.The italian might well be described as the world ' s greatest romanticist
6.Do you pride yourself on following your head before your heart , or are you a true romantic
7.So far , several romantics are mulling over buying the golden ticket on february 14 , betting on their partners being hungry
8.The romantics not only extol the faculty of imagination , but also elevate the concepts of spontaneity and inspiration , regarding them as something crucial for true poetry
9.We weren ' t a greek organization . we were romantics . we didn ' t just read poetry , we let it drip from our tongues like honey . spirits soared , women swooned and gods were created
10.Incurable romantic stuart conway has spent the last 10 years throwing messages in a bottle into the sea off britain ? but now his local town council says it ' s time to recycle
十年来,不可救药的浪漫主义者斯图亚特?康威把无数的瓶中信从英国投入大海? ?然而最近他家乡的市政局敦促他回收这些瓶子。
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