海上: at sea; on the sea; seaborne 短语和例子海上风暴 a storm at sea; 海上霸权 maritime hegemony; 海上保险 marine insurance; 海上避撞规则 rules of the road at sea; 海上补给 sealift; seaborne supply; supply by sea; 海上采油 of
卸: 动词1.(从运输工具上搬下来) remove cargo or freight; unload; discharge; unlade 短语和例子卸下船上的货物 discharge a ship of her cargo; unship a cargo2.(把加在人或牲口身上的东西取下) lay down; take away 短语和例子卸担子 lay down a burd
储: Ⅰ动词(储藏; 存放) store up; save; keep [have] in reserve 短语和例子储粮备荒 store up grain against natural disasters; 冬储白菜 cabbages stored for the winterⅡ名词1.(继承人) heir 短语和例子王[皇]储 crown prince2.(姓氏) a su