| 1. | About the rise of the school of shanghai film theoretical research 论海派影论之兴 |
| 2. | Beijing and shanghai school as a cultural phenomenon 作为文化现象的京派与海派 |
| 3. | Reflections on the quality of students party membership 三十年代海派文学的现代性寻求 |
| 4. | The rise of the fictions with shanghai style and their influences 海派小说的崛起及影响 |
| 5. | The new - generation writers and classical poetry 论海派女作家的创作共性 |
| 6. | Introduction to 10th seminar of shanghai economic forum 中国海派经济论坛第十次研讨会综述 |
| 7. | Past and present of research on literary works with shanghai style 海派文学研究的历史与现状 |
| 8. | Rich , pluralistic school of shanghai literature 多元博采的海派文学 |
| 9. | Shanghai : urban spirit , culture with shanghai style and personality image 城市精神海派文化人格形象 |
| 10. | Shanghai style writers and their novel writing under culture market 文化市场下的海派作家及其小说写作 |