| 1. | "fenitchka?" asked arkady easily . “费涅奇卡吗?”阿尔卡狄顺口问道。 |
| 2. | Ione has but one viceshe is chaste . 伊俄涅唯一的缺点就是她洁身自好。 |
| 3. | The haughty ione burst into passionate tears . 高傲的伊俄涅伤心地痛哭起来。 |
| 4. | I was reading a book by tugenieff . 我看的是屠格涅夫写的书。 |
| 5. | Minerva appeared in the form of a young shepherd . 密涅瓦变形为一个青年牧童。 |
| 6. | Brezhnev bearded nixon on the treaty . 勃列日涅夫在协定问题上对尼克松进行了抨击。 |
| 7. | He disputed athens with minerva . 他和密涅瓦争夺雅典。 |
| 8. | Aeneas perceived before him a spacious valley . 埃涅阿斯发觉在他面前有一个开阔的山谷。 |
| 9. | On the side of aeneas were the expressed decree of destiny . 埃涅阿斯显然拥有命运的宠爱。 |
| 10. | Brezhnev and his team disappeared into other rooms . 勃列日涅夫和他的一伙人到别的房间去了。 |