Ants are fond of sweet food . they often milk little bugs called budworms . 蚂蚁喜欢吃甜食。它们常常挤一种叫做蚜虫的小虫子的液汁吃。
Many kinds of ants milk little bugs called ant cows 许多种蚂蚁会挤一种称为蚁牛的小虫子的液汁吃。
The trees bleed when trimmed after the sap is up in the spring 春天树枝含液汁,修剪时会有液汁流出来。
The trees produce a peculiar sap , which can used to make sweet and delicious syrup 枫树会产生一种独特的液汁,可以用来制作甘甜可口的糖浆。
The ant knows how to milk them . it strikes a cow bug ' s back with its forelegs and feelers 蚂蚁知道怎样去挤这些蚜虫的液汁.它们用腿和触角敲打蚜虫的背部
They had been eating cherries - great , luscious , black cherries with a juice of the color of dark wine 那天两人在吃樱桃味美粒大的黑樱桃,液汁黑得像深色的酒。
His essays , especially those on the noble morality and glorious life of his comrade - in - arms , are highly appreciable since every word of the works is overwelmed with passion 他的散文,那些抒写革命战友高尚情怀、壮美人生的篇章,似乎每一行文字都是用感情的液汁浸泡出来的,十分值得珍视。
How much loving care was needed , what life - giving juices must be fed to the roots , that the saplings might withstand the drought - winds and survive under the scorching rays of the sun 要使这些小树能够经得住旱风,经得住毒热的太阳,不知道还需要多少小心的爱护,不知道还需要多少活命的液汁去喂它们!
Let what may remain of revolutionary sap exhaust itself and die away with the old trunk , and condescend only to regard the young shoot which has started up at a distance from the parent tree , without having the power , any more than the wish , to separate entirely from the stock from which it sprung . 在一棵老树上还残余着点革命的液汁,就让它随着枯萎的老树干一起去干枯吧,至于那些新生的丫枝,它生长的地方离主干已隔开了一段距离,它很想和主干完全脱离关系,只是心有余而力不足罢了。 ”