She was wearing a dark blue cape and a soft felt hat . 她身披一件深兰色的斗篷,头戴一顶软毡帽。
Mash the mint and sugar together . add the ( dark or light ) rum and lime juice and pour over the ice 将薄荷及糖压碎,入深兰姆或白兰姆,及莱姆汁,入冰。加苏打至满,以海波杯服务。
Mojito mash the mint and sugar together . add the ( dark or light ) rum and lime juice and pour over the ice 将薄荷及糖压碎,入深兰姆或白兰姆,及莱姆汁,入冰。加苏打至满,以海波杯服务。
Mascara : too much mascara looks fake and will flake . it looks especially bad if worn with thick eyeliner or dark blue eye shadow 染眉毛:眉毛画得太重,看起来很假而且很容易脱落。如果在加上深色的眼线或者深兰色的眼影,那看起来就更糟。
At the lower end of the esophagus ( which has been turned inside out at autopsy ) are linear dark blue submucosal dilated veins known as varices 食管下末段(尸解时已经把食管从里面翻出来)线状排列着深兰色的黏膜下层较宽的纹理称为静脉曲张。