Events like these would have startled the most thoughtless into reflection . 这类事件能使最没有思想的人发生深省。
It is the sixth article innovation . besides , proposing that broadcast & tv newspaper ought to lay stress on resources sufficiently and the deeply opening up 这对节}表的l发一革有一着深省式的启发,是文章的创新之六。
Always willing to try different subjects , scott shows his master skill again and made this story which presents the society of the us in the 60 ’ s truthfully engrossing and stimulating 一直勇于尝试的史考特再现他大师的技巧,将这个忠实呈现美国60年代社会面的故事拍的极度引人入胜并发人深省。
Now , when sound bites are getting shorter , when instant messages crowd out essays , and when individual lives grow more frenzied , college graduates capable of deep reflection are what our world needs 现在,新闻播报变得愈来愈短,即时信息排挤了长篇大论,个人生活变得繁乱之际,这个世界需要的是能够深省的大学生。