| 1. | The rich mixture, as it burns, streams out . 富油混合气会在燃烧的同时流出。 |
| 2. | The burning gases can ignite the lean mixture . 燃烧着的气体能点燃稀的混合气。 |
| 3. | Carburetors also spread out the mixture availability . 多个化油器还可以扩大混合气的效力。 |
| 4. | The idle system supplies a very rich mixture to start with . 怠速系统提供很浓的可燃混合气供起动使用。 |
| 5. | A cold engine needs a richer mixture to run satisfactorily . 冷发动机需要较浓的混合气,才能可靠地运转。 |
| 6. | This partly opens the choke so that an overich mixture is prevented . 这种阻风门的部分开启可以防止混合气过浓。 |
| 7. | It can spread out the mixture availability to provide a more equal charge to each cylinder . 它可以扩大混合气的效力,给每个汽缸提供更均等的混合气。 |
| 8. | Enrichment of the mixture during acceleration is shown by the two peaks at about 23mph and 40mph . 加速时混合气的加浓用两个尖峰表示,大约是23mph和40mph。 |
| 9. | The engine will not run well with a lean mixture and may stumble or stall . 使用稀薄的混合气,发动机将不能很好地运转,并会出现加速后坐现象或失速停车现象。 |
| 10. | The carburetor delivers a rich mixture to the precombustion chamber and a lean mixture to the main cylinder . 化油器将浓混合气输至副燃烧室,将稀混合气输送至主气缸。 |