Ⅰ名词 1.(地面的积水) floodwater on low-lying land 短语和例子 内渍 floodwater in the field; 防洪排渍 prevention of floods and drainage of floodwater2.[方言] (积在物体上难以除去的油泥等) stain; sludge; filth 短语和例子 茶渍 tea stains; 汗渍 sweat stain; 墨渍 ink stain; 油渍 oil sludge; 污渍 filthⅡ动词 1.(浸; 沤; 沾) soak; steep; ret 短语和例子 浸渍 steep in water; 渍麻 ret flax, jute, etc.; 白衬衫被汗水渍黄了。 the white shirt was yellowed with sweat.2.(油泥等积在上面难以除去)be stain-ed; be soiled 短语和例子 烟斗里渍了很多油子。 the pipe is caked with tar. 衣服被油脂渍住了。the clothes are stained with grease