Refers to farmland which is plowed constantly for growing crops , including cultivated land , newly cultivated land in the current year , farmland left without cultivation for less than three years and fallow land in the current year , rotation land , rotation land of grass and crops , farmland with some fruit trees , mulberry trees and other trees and cultivated seashore land , lake land , and etc 指年初可以用来种植农作物、经常进行耕锄的田地,除包括熟地、当年新开荒地、连续撂荒未满三年的耕地和当年的休闲地(轮歇地) ,还包括以种植农作物为主并附带种植桑树、茶树、果树和其他林木的土地,以及沿海、沿湖地区已围垦利用的“海涂” 、 “湖田”等面积。
Cultivated area ( area under cultivation ) : refers to farmland which is plowed constantly for growing crops , including cultivated land , newly cultivated land in the current year , farmland left without cultivation for less th an three years and fallow land in the current year , rotation land , rotation land of grass and crops , farmland with some fruit trees , mulberry trees and other trees and cultivated seashore land , lake land , and etc 耕地面积:指年初可以用来种植农作物、经常进行耕锄的田地,除包括熟地、当年新开荒地、连续撂荒未满三年的耕地和当年的休闲地(轮歇地)外,还包括以种植农作物为主并附带种植桑树、茶树、果树和其他林木的土地,以及沿海、沿湖地区已围垦利用的“海涂” 、 “湖田”等面积。