English translation for "滑移比"
- slip ratio
Related Translations:
滑移流动: gliding flowsecondary flowage 滑移扩展: propagation of glide 滑移穿透: breakthrough of glide 滑移系: glide systemslip system
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The average slip ratio of droplet velocity to gas velocity across the gas core is about 0 . 7 for oil - gas two - phase flow 油气两相流动时气核中液滴与气相的平均滑移比约为0 . 7 。 | | 2. | Sliding displacement of beam longitudinal bars in staggered joints is smaller than in ordinary joints , and the beam bar " overstrength in staggered joints is more serious than in ordinary joints when shear force is equal in the two types of joints 2在节点所受剪力相同的情况下,错层节点中梁纵筋的粘结滑移比普通节点的要小,梁筋的超强更严重。 |
- Similar Words:
- "滑移" English translation, "滑移,滑动(电视)图像水平偏移" English translation, "滑移,拖板" English translation, "滑移崩" English translation, "滑移泵" English translation, "滑移变形" English translation, "滑移操作" English translation, "滑移层" English translation, "滑移层理" English translation, "滑移层弯曲" English translation