满: Ⅰ形容词1.(全部充实; 达到容量的极点) full; filled; packed 短语和例子饱满 full; plump;满满一箱书 a full box of books;会场里人都满了。the assembly hall was packed with people. 果树满山坡。 the slope was covered with fruit trees. 欢声
价: 名词1.(价格) price 短语和例子单[基] 价 unit [basic] price; 集市贸易价 rural fair price; 减价 reduce the price; 廉价 low-priced; 零售 [批发] 价 retail [wholesale] price; 实 [议] 价 net [negotiated]price; 擅自提价 price to