瓣: Ⅰ名词1.(花的分片) petal2.(植物的种子、果实或球茎可分开的小块儿) clove; segment 短语和例子橘子瓣儿 section of a tangerine; 蒜瓣儿 clove of garlic; 豆瓣儿 segment of beans3.(物体破碎后分成的部分) fragment; piece 短语和例子七棱八瓣儿 several pieces4.
满: Ⅰ形容词1.(全部充实; 达到容量的极点) full; filled; packed 短语和例子饱满 full; plump;满满一箱书 a full box of books;会场里人都满了。the assembly hall was packed with people. 果树满山坡。 the slope was covered with fruit trees. 欢声