| 1. | Discourse upon the naissance process of maiman s first ruby laser and the apocalypse to us in maimans success 第四部分是对激光物理创立和发展过程的总结和简评。 |
| 2. | In the second part , i briefly probe the naissance of laser physics based many original literatures 第二部分主要通过一些原始论文详细地探讨了激光物理的创立过程。 |
| 3. | This dissertation is to probe into the process of the the naissance and forepart development of laser physics 本论文对激光物理的创立及其早期发展的历史过程进行了探讨。 |
| 4. | Quantum coherence and interference has become one of the important forward subjects in laser physics and quantum optics 量子相干与干涉是目前激光物理与量子光学领域的重要前沿课题之一。 |
| 5. | Quantum coherence and interference has become one of the important forward subjects in laser physics and quantum optics 量子相干与干涉是目前激光物理与量子光学领域的重要研究课题之一。 |
| 6. | The research for quantum interference in atoms , molecules and ions is an interesting topic in the field of laser physics and quantum optics 原子、分子和离子体系中的量子干涉效应是近年来激光物理和量子光学领域的一个研究热点。 |
| 7. | From gestation to naissance and development , the road of laser physics is very flexural , the creations and brightnesses of multitudinous scientist were agglomerated 激光物理从它的孕育到初创和发展,其道路十分曲折,凝聚了众多科学家的创造和智慧。 |
| 8. | Photonic crystal , negative refractive index materials , superluminal and subluminal phenomena , partially coherent light , laser physics , and interaction between light and matter 光子晶体,负折射率材料,超快、超慢现象,部分相干光学,激光物理,光与物质的相互作用等。 |
| 9. | " construction of labs " was added in " science reaecrh " columm . " international cooperations " and " domestics cooperations " are merged to " academic communications and cooperations " 在“教学” - “热学”中增加了英语教学课件和习题答案.在“教学” - “激光物理与器件”中增加了2003级研究生的作业 |
| 10. | The main contents of the dissertation are in solving key technological problems , developing new laser dyes , and studying their lasing property : effects of microcavity are very sensitive to their size 本文主要内容在开发新材料,解决关键技术问题,和摸索其激光物理行为方面:微腔结构对尺寸非常敏感。 |