| 1. | The torch festival falls on the 24th day of the sixth lunar month ( july 29 of the solar calendar in 2005 ) 彝族火把节在农历六月二十四日举行( 2005年阳历7月29日) 。 |
| 2. | The torch festival is a good opportunity for yi s youth to find a love through singing and dancing 火把节是彝族男女青年通过唱歌跳舞选择情侣的良机,人们在节日里接触认识谈情说爱。 |
| 3. | Every lunar year on 24 june , yi , bai and other ethnic people gather here to celebrate the torch festival 每年农历6月24日,以彝族白族为主的少数民族从四面八方涌来,欢庆火把节,气氛热烈。 |
| 4. | Of all folk festivals in yuanmou , “ torch festival ” and “ tiger sheng ” are most popular and typical ones to display yi culture 在元谋的民间节日中老虎笙舞和火把节是最普遍、最有特色、最隆重的节日! |
| 5. | " torch festival " : a traditional festival held around the twenty - fourth of the sixth month of the lunar calender and common to the yi people of all districts "火把节" :在农历六月二十四日前后举行,是各地彝族共同的传统节日。 |
| 6. | In order to memorise this victorious day , each year when this day was approaching , people would cook beef and mutton and hold the torch festival with various kinds of activities 后来人们为了纪念这一胜利,每到这一天,都要杀牛宰羊,举行火把节的各种活动。 |
| 7. | It is usually celebrated on the 24th of the 6th lunar month each year . shilin is yi s most representative place , and each year there are tens of thousands of people participating in shilin s torch festival 火把节是彝族人民的传统节日,通常在每年的农历六月廿四或廿五日举行,彝族火把节以石林最为隆重,每年都有数万人参加。 |
| 8. | The torch festival is yi people s great celebration day . on the 24th day of the 6th lunar month of each year , people wearing special festival costumes , come to the stone forests to celebrate their own festival “火把节”是彝族人民的盛大节日,每年的农历六月廿四,穿着节日盛装的各族人民从四面八方拥向石林,欢度自己的节日。 |
| 9. | At the torch festival , all men and women , elders and youngsters are required to attend all the festive activities . men s acitivities mainly include wrestling , ox s fighting , etc . women s major activities are singing and dancing 火把节来临,无论男女老少都要参加节日的各种活动,男子主要是摔跤斗牛等,妇女的活动主要是唱歌跳舞。 |
| 10. | The festive highlight happens in the evening . people hold burning torches , tour along their houses and field paths , and sing loudly . torches are lined up , forming several fire dragons and lighting the dark sky 火把节的高潮在夜晚,人们举着熊熊燃烧的火把,绕着房和田边地头巡游,边走边唱,并发出阵阵宏亮的歌声和吼声,火把相连,形成条条火,照亮了茫茫黑夜,蔚为壮观。 |