Anping oyster shell cement kiln museum , anping fort , old tait co . merchant house , anping bean curd pudding 安平蚵灰窑、安平古堡、德记洋行、安平豆花
According to the oral history , the oyster ash industry can be dated back hundreds of years 根据口述史料得知,安平地区于数百年已有灰窑之存在,灰窑尾社因而得名。
On the top of this cement kilm is the walking path and workers pour out oyster and coal ash from here 灰窑主体之顶部为工作走道,系铺设烧灰材料逐层倾倒蚵壳和煤炭的场所。
Meanwhile han people immigrated to anping with their original belief and their own settlement . numerous han immigrants divided into 6 groups : haitoushe , gongaweishe , wangchensishe , miaoshougonshe , shiergonshe and huiyaoweishe 大量移入的汉人渐分为六社:海头社、港仔尾社、王城西社、妙寿宫社、十二宫社、灰窑尾社。