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English translation for "点燃火炬"

light the torch

Related Translations:
点燃:  1.(使燃烧) light; ignite; enkindle; kindle; put [place; set] a match to 短语和例子点燃武装斗争的熊熊烈火 light the flames of armed struggle; 点燃抗日战争的烽火 kindle the flames of the war of resistance against japan
点燃源:  ignition source
点燃式:  spark ignition type
点燃室:  ignition chamber
再点燃:  refire
点燃电压:  keep-alive voltage
一次点燃:  single firing
点燃物:  spark
点燃幻想:  ignite my fantasy
点燃性能:  ignition behavior
Example Sentences:
1.Flame set for 78 - day trip
2.As officiating guest at the launching ceremony of hong kong paralympians fund , lighting the torch
3.Also , they light up torches and firecrackers because the nien beast is afraid of the light of fire and loud noises
4.High priestess prokopiou only had to wait a few seconds for the parabolic polished steel mirror , placed in front of the temple of hera , to fire up the torch
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