| 1. | It is a cigarette-end from it gently rises a thread of smoke . 那是一个烟蒂,一缕烟还在冉冉上升。 |
| 2. | The floor under them was black with grease and cigarette ends . 脚下的地板乌光光的油腻滑溜,烟蒂满地。 |
| 3. | As he smokes he looks at the black wet floor littered with butts . 他一边抽烟,一边瞧着脚下这黑乎乎、水淋淋、烟蒂狼籍的地。 |
| 4. | The man with the flat face and the broken nose crushed the end of the cigarette on the table . 长着扁脸和断鼻梁的人在桌上揿灭了烟蒂。 |
| 5. | He took a final puff at the clipped stub, and ground it out in practiced motions of the lifeless hand . 他把夹住的烟蒂吸了最后一口,然后用那只没生命的假手熟练地把他捻熄。 |
| 6. | All ashtrays shall be changed after 1 cigarette butt 烟灰缸内不得超过一个烟蒂。 |
| 7. | To spit out all the butt - ends of my days and ways 好吐出我的日子和习惯的全部烟蒂 |
| 8. | Throwing away of cigarette ends is strictly prohibited 禁止随手扔烟蒂。 |
| 9. | Indiscriminate throwing of lighted cigarette ends 乱扔亮燃的烟蒂。 |
| 10. | I need a freak i need a nasty girl , girl i need a freak 留住你的烟蒂当烟花都可欣赏一个夜晚吧 |