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English translation for "热烈拥护"

to back/support

Related Translations:
热烈:  warm; enthusiastic; heartily; fervent; ardent 短语和例子热烈的祝贺 warm congratulations; 热烈欢呼 warmly hail; 热烈欢送 give sb. a warm send-off; 反应热烈 respond enthusiastically; 进行热烈的讨论 have a lively discuss
热烈赞扬:  pay warm tribute to
热烈称赞:  give sb.a big hand
热烈讨论:  agitate
热烈鼓掌:  clap with all one's might; applaud wildly; clap enthusiastically; enthusiastic applause bursts out
诚恳热烈:  innigkeit
热烈赞同:  spark
热烈庆祝:  push the boat out
热烈祝贺:  to great/hailwarm congratulations
热烈欢送:  give sb. a warm send off
Example Sentences:
1.This newspaper is whooping for leftist candidates .
2.The newspaper is whooping for leftist candidates
3.He is an ardent supporter of the new movement
4.Hong xiu - quan ' s equality principle was well received by the mass of peasantry , which led to the rise and development of taiping heavenly kingdom ' s movement
5.In order to fortify faith in our own currency , we have restricted its issue and granted big loans to individual people and production undertakings , thus gaining the people ' s warm support and strengthening the people ' s faith in the currency
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