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English translation for "焚书"

[ fénshū ] 
burning of books and burying of scholars

Related Translations:
焚身:  immolateimmolation
左焚:  feb zuo
焚火炉:  incinerator
蜡烛焚自身:  a cat has nine livesa cat may look at a king
焚舟纪:  burning your boats
焚尸炉:  cinerator; crematory
火焚身:  macropyre
焚尸坑:  cremation pitcrematory
烈焰焚情:  burning moneyburnt moneyfury passionplata quemada
怒火如焚:  be very angry; be all burn up
Example Sentences:
1.Books were burned while temples , churches and cultural relics were also destroyed
2.He tries to entice guy back into the book - burning business , but is burnt alive by montag when he underestimates montag ' s resolve
3.All the above shows that burning - book decree comes from an ideological order in which both the reason of value and the reason of practice are highly developed
这说明, “焚书令”所依托的是一个价值理性和工具理性都同样发达的意识形态秩序。
4.Burning - book decree shows up as an exactly absolute knowledge - classifying system , where there are four kinds of knowledge classified : political - legal knowledge , historical - classics , social ethic and practical technique
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