He was sick to his soul with this worry over berenice . 他对白丽莱茜的这种焦心真叫他苦死了。
Because they ' re so alarming , seizures often seem to last longer than they really do 因为痉挛很令人焦心,所以痉挛的时间通常显得比实际时间要长。
Although these seizures can be extremely alarming , most children don ' t experience any lasting effects 尽管痉挛的症状很令人焦心,多数小孩的症状不会再持续。
A great many worries can be diminished by realizing the unimportance of the matter which is causing the anxiety 生活中总会有让人焦心的事情,可是如果意识到它们其实没什么大不了,那么你的烦恼就会大大减少。
Quite away , the minister discovered , by the faintness which came over him , that the last few moments had been a crisis of terrible anxiety ; although his mind had made an involuntary effort to relieve 在那闪亮的灯光渐渐消逝在远处之后,牧师在袭来的一阵昏迷中发现,刚才那一刻间,确实有一种非常焦心的危机尽管他内心不禁竭力用一种凄凉的强颜欢笑来加以宽慰。