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English translation for "焦虑不安地"


Related Translations:
焦虑神经症:  anxiety neurosis
观众焦虑:  audience anxiety
焦虑精神病:  anxiety psychosis
精神焦虑:  anxiety
更年期焦虑:  anxietas presenilis
器质性焦虑:  organic anxiety disorder
高度焦虑:  high-anxiety
躯体焦虑:  somatic anxiety
分离焦虑:  separation anxiety
焦虑综合症:  anxious syndrome
Example Sentences:
1." what are we going to do now ? " he asked anxiously
“我们现在干什么? ”他焦虑不安地问。
2.The students sweated blood while waiting for the examination results
3.Carter immediately sent a telegram to carnarvon and waited anxiously for his arrival
4.Buck , on the bank , worried and anxious , kept abreast of the boat , his eyes never off his master
5.That by thinking anxiously about the future , they forget the present , such that they live in neither the present nor the future
焦虑不安地思索着未来,却忘却了当下的时光,于是,他们既不生在现世也不活在未来。 ”
6.“ that by thinking anxiously about the future , they forget the present , such that they live in neither the present nor the future
焦虑不安地思考着未来,却忘记了当下的时光,于是,他们既不生在现在也不活在未来。 ”
7.I listened anxiously to all the lessons and waited for lunch break at one . then finally the bell rang . it was time to talk and have fun
8.In answer to the counts inquiries why she was depressed and whether anything had happened with her betrothed , she assured him that nothing had , and begged him not to be uneasy
9.She drew a quick pettish breath of objection , writhing uneasily on her seat , looked far ahead , and murmured , i don t know - i wish - how can i say yes or no when -
她吸了一口冷气,表示反对,在座位上焦虑不安地扭动着,眼睛看着远方,嘴里喃喃说道, “我不知道我希望我怎么能够说答应你还是不答应你”
Similar Words:
"焦虑" English translation, "焦虑,挂虑" English translation, "焦虑,忧虑;渴望" English translation, "焦虑保存" English translation, "焦虑不安" English translation, "焦虑测验" English translation, "焦虑层序" English translation, "焦虑成套测验" English translation, "焦虑但健康" English translation, "焦虑的" English translation