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English translation for ""

[ shān; shàn ] 
1.(摇动扇子或其他薄片) fan
2.(鼓动) incite; instigate; fan up; stir up 短语和例子

Related Translations:
煽门:  fladoor
煽她:  she gets what she wantsslap her she's french
鼻煽:  flapping of nasal wings
煽改记录:  deletion recore
人工通风煽:  induced-draught fan
煽色唇膏:  color fever
复煽花序:  compound corymb
煽起骚动:  no.set the heather on fire
干煽四季豆:  sauteed string beans
风火相煽:  febrile disease complicated by windfire and wind evils stir up each other
Example Sentences:
1.Her wild behavior merely fanned the flames of his jealousy .
2.His object was to instigate a little rebellion on the part of the bishop .
3.I was compelled to attempt it, because i had succeeded in rousing his rage a pitch above his malignity .
4.Mr brown owns the brown towels in the downtown tower
布朗先生拥有闹市区塔? ?藻?毛巾。
5.I knew the steely ire i had whetted
6.He fed his anger with thoughts of revenge
7.How do you like that , mr . slap yourself in your own face
8.Her wild behaviour merely fanned the flames of his jealousy
9.However , this lazy cat might have too much spare time that he often stirs up trouble
10.Wouldnyou please intjroduce us to some of the most reliable exporters of chinese handicrafts
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