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English translation for "煽风点火"

[ shānfēngdiǎnhuǒ ] 
fan the flames; fan up flames; fan up the flames of trouble; inflame and agitate the people; make [stir up; incite] trouble; stir up a wind and light the fire; stir up trouble and create splits
Example Sentences:
1.His demagogues, who bear names like aaron blue-skin, are as meanly truculent as cooper's anti-renters .
2.Ras the exhorter and his gang of racist gangsters are taking advantage of this and are increasing their agitation .
3.As the others quietly left the cellar and circulated through the city, wild whip walked eastward on king street toward the hale mansion .
4.A woman is flax , a man is fire , the devil comes and blows the bellows
5.They can only whisper in our ears , but a single word can give you courage
6.They can only whisper in our ears , but a single word can give you courage . .
7.Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance
8.Montague : who set this ancient quarrel new abroach ? speak , nephew , were you by when it began
9.Because it was used in the past to fan the flames of militarism , teaching patriotism has long been taboo in japan
10.The firm says there were only six incidents of laptops overheating in america since december 2005 - but the internet created a conflagration
Similar Words:
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