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English translation for "熟人"

[ shóurén ] 
acquaintance; friend 短语和例子

Related Translations:
介绍熟人:  introducing an acquaintance
熟人谋杀:  murder of acquaintance
朋友与熟人:  br /friend and acquaintancefriend and acquaintance
不成熟人格:  immature personality
新闻界的熟人:  journalistic acquaintance
半路上遇到熟人:  run into a friend on the way
同熟人开始交谈:  starting a conversation with an acquaintance
在街上碰到一个熟人:  run into an acquaintance in the street
朋友和熟人的随便聚会:  a random gathering of friends and acquaintances
松鼠询问了一位熟人:  squirrel inquired an acquaintance and acquired the requirements
Example Sentences:
1.Although i was a familiar face, i still had no pass .
2.She had affiliations of her own in every capital .
3.The acquaintances she had already formed were unworthy of her .
4.I saw some people i knew .
5.Brezhnev could not forgo extended commentary to several old acquaintances .
6.According to my companion, it was a special bookstore for high cadres only .
7.The warmings had never been more than superficial acquaintances living in another state .
8.Some of my acquaintances in the country come up to town once or twice a year to visit the theatre .
9.His acquaintances resented the fact that he often turned up in popular restaurants with her .
10.He had met no one he knew on the ferryboat that plies between new york and staten island .
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