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English translation for "燃料板"

fuel plate
fuel slab
Example Sentences:
1.The effect of meat exposure on fuel element plates was small under normal conditions , but could not be neglected under off - normal conditions . fuel element plates should be thermally stable and could be used safely if operation temperature was below 250
2.After 20 days at 450 or 1 day at 500 , the u3si2 particles cracked and fragmented , there were a lot of cracks in al - matrix and reacted areas , there were also a lot of holes in the meat . the meat lost its continuity and perfection , and departed from clad . above 450 the volume fraction of the al - matrix and the u3si2 decreased and produced u ( al , si ) 3 in the meat , u3si2 particles invaded to clad
在450热循环20天后、 500热循环1天后,燃料板的厚度变化一般0 . 04mm ,燃料板的翘曲现象严重; u _ 3si _ 2颗粒开裂及破碎,基体中产生大量的裂缝,反应层也存在大量的裂纹及孔洞,芯体已失去连续性、完整性,并且与包壳脱开。
3.The paper describes the heat treatment at the temperature of 160 , 250 , 350 , 400 , 450 and 500 , the dimension change and microstructural evolution of miniature fuel element plates after heat treatment . the result reveals that : the fuel plates did not deform after 60 days at 160 and 250 , slightly curved after 60 days at 350 and 400 , and heavily curved after 20 days at 450 and so did after 1 day at 500
本论文介绍了微型燃料元件板(芯体u _ 3si _ 2 - al ,包壳为6061铝)的热稳定性实验研究,在160 、 250 、 350 、 400 、 450 、 500温度下经过一定的热循环,测定燃料板的变形,进行微观组织分析,结果表明:在160 400范围四个温度循环热处理60天后,燃料板厚度变化均小于0 . 03mm ,在前两个温度下,基本没有变形;在后两个温度下,燃料板稍有卷曲。
4.Above 450 , the formation of low density u ( al , si ) 3 phase , together with the release of the impurity gas and fragmentation of u3si2 particles , will cause fuel meat to swell , al matrix to crack and u3si2 particles to invade to clad . as a result , the thickness of the meat increased , the thickness of clad decreased and the deformation of fuel plates increased , and the leakage probability of the radioactive mass increased reasonably
同时,由于芯体膨胀及铀硅颗粒碎裂的综合作用,使u _ 3si _ 2颗粒向包壳侵入,最终使燃料板芯体厚度增加较大,芯体及燃料的体积也显著增加,包壳厚度减薄;高温将加速芯体u _ 3si _ 2颗粒碎裂、芯体开裂、包壳以及燃料板变形,从而使燃料芯体与包壳脱开,最终可能导致放射性物质泄漏。
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