| 1. | A miracle dog and caring teenager teach detachment and love for all beings 爱护动物的功课-神奇狗昆汀和为动物请命的少女 |
| 2. | The black and white one - time " mouser in chief " was perhaps the most famous pet in a country of animal worshippers 在英国这个爱护动物的国度里,汉弗莱这只黑白相间的猫咪算得上是最为著名的 |
| 3. | And it is often through the intercession of the worlds most innocent and unassuming residents animals , children and young adults that we can learn the most precious lessons in this area of virtue 经由动物小孩与青少年这群世界上最天真最谦逊的居民请求,让世人学习到爱护动物的这个宝贵功课。 |
| 4. | Not only did she radiate physical beauty , diana s awareness of the respectful treatment of all creatures made her true , inner beauty apparent , according to animal lovers throughout the world 她不只散发出个人美丽的风采,对全世界爱护动物的人们来说,戴安娜对生命的尊重更使她展现了真实的内在美。 |
| 5. | The black and white one - time " mouser in chief " was perhaps the most famous pet in a country of animal worshippers . " world of politics mourns a legend , " headlined the sun . " it is true 在英国这个爱护动物的国度里,汉弗莱这只黑白相间的猫咪算得上是最为著名的宠物之一,它曾被誉为是英国首相府的“头号捕鼠器” 。 |
| 6. | We learnt last week that humphrey has died , " a spokesman confirmed . humphrey was thought to be 18 . he had wandered into no . 10 downing street under margaret thatcher and remained throughout the tenure of john major 在英国这个爱护动物的国度里,汉弗莱这只黑白相间的猫咪算得上是最为著名的宠物之一,它曾被誉为是英国首相府的“头号捕鼠器” 。 |
| 7. | Humphrey was thought to be 18 . he had wandered into no . 10 downing street under margaretthatcherand remained throughout the tenure of john major . but hewas sentaway to live with a civil servant in retirement monthsafter tonyblair was elected in 1997 在英国这个爱护动物的国度里,汉弗莱这只黑白相间的猫咪算得上是最为著名的宠物之一,它曾被誉为是英国首相府的“头号捕鼠器” 。 |
| 8. | Zoo official said this project has several aims - it will educate people about humans ' place in the animal kingdom , raise awareness of the need for conservation and generate funds for the nation ' s largest chimpanzee enclosure planned for monarto zoo next year 动物园管理人员表示,举办此次活动有三个目的,一是借此表明人类其实也是动物,二是唤醒人们爱护动物的意识,三是为明年在摩纳托动物园建造全澳洲最大的猩猩动物园筹集资金。 |