| 1. | The calculating method of equation - of - state for inert gases 单原子气体的物态方程计算方法 |
| 2. | The state analysis of subsonic gases in gradually reducing pipelines 渐缩形管道中亚音速气流的物态分析 |
| 3. | Equation of state and partial excess chemical potential for binary hardsphere system 二元硬球系统的物态方程及偏超额化学势 |
| 4. | In chapter 4 , the physics foundation of the " wj eos " has been studied 本文还研究另一种描述热贡献的理论模型? wj物态方程。 |
| 5. | Continuity of state 物态连续性 |
| 6. | Equation of state 物态方程 |
| 7. | Equation of states ( eos ) under high - temperature and high - pressure is important to study for solids physics 高温高压下物态方程的研究在实践和理论中都具有重要的意义。 |
| 8. | One - pointed meditation upon the five forms which every element takes , produces mastery over every element 专注冥想作用于五种物态的任一元素,则会超越任何形式而控制物质。 |
| 9. | Public and spatial development is process that culture environment with common development in environment in material 公共空间的发展是文态环境和物态环境共同发展的过程。 |
| 10. | Narrowly speaking , eos is the relationship between the pressure , the volume and temperature of substance system in thermodynamic equilibrium 从狭义上来讲,物态方程是描述处于热力学平衡态的物质系统中压强、温度、体积之间的函数关系。 |