| 1. | The agents of goldstein had been at work ! 这是戈尔斯坦的特务搞的! |
| 2. | Spies and counterspies were everywhere . 到处是特务和反间谍人员。 |
| 3. | Each clenched his fists and set his jaw when the order came to arrest the secret agents . 听说去抓特务,一个个都摩拳擦掌。 |
| 4. | Many of the older officers trusted agents sightings more than cryptanalysts' deductions . 许多年纪比较大的军官往往相信特务的发现,而不怎么相信密码分析员的推断。 |
| 5. | The soviet émigré networks, undoubtedly the most penetrated of all, were rolled up . 由苏联流亡分子组成的特务网无疑是被渗透的最厉害的特务网,但是也都收了摊子。 |
| 6. | Microdots are another method of surreptitious communication between an agent in the field and his controller . 缩微照片是派出去的特务同控制他的人之间进行秘密通信的又一种方法。 |
| 7. | Suddenly word reached higher okm circles that an agent had reported that the queen elizabeth lay in gibraltar . 海军司令部的上级突然听说有一个特务报告《伊丽莎白女王》号停泊在直布罗陀。 |
| 8. | His apartment was bugged, his telephone tapped; he was put under surveillance and tested with provocateurs . 他的套房被装上了窃听器,电话被侦听,他受到跟踪,并由假装外国特务的人进行试探。 |
| 9. | The special agents broke into his room and rummaged through chests and cupboards but couldn't find anything suspicious . 那些特务冲进他的房间翻箱倒柜地搜了一遍,但没有发观任何可疑的东西。 |
| 10. | Although chiang kai-shek's spies in sian knew that something was fermenting, they could get few details of exact nature . 蒋介石在西安的特务虽然知道有什么事情正在酝酿之中,但是他们无法得悉确切的内容。 |