| 1. | His bones was laid in westminster . 他的遗骸安放在威斯敏斯特大教堂。 |
| 2. | She got a first in maths at exeter . 她在埃克塞特大学数学系毕业,获一级荣誉学位。 |
| 3. | This coat is a super size . 这件衣服是特大号的。 |
| 4. | It was this plantation that had so annoyed charlie slatter . 使得查理斯拉特大为气恼的就是这片苗圃。 |
| 5. | "ay," said grandfer gantle, somewhat subdued in spirit . “唉,”阚特大爷说,只见他的兴头未免去了好些。 |
| 6. | Phillips park was bordered by pelee boulevard and elmhurst . 菲力浦公园的两边是比利大道及艾尔姆霍斯特大街。 |
| 7. | "well, why in hell did you let them go?" vociferated annixter . 哼,真他妈的,你干吗放他们走呢?”安尼克斯特大叫大嚷地说。 |
| 8. | We are all longing to see you both again soon-and now comes my great news . 我们都渴望很快看到你们俩--现在我告诉你一个特大新闻。 |
| 9. | Mr. marbury boomed, "garol, come over here and meet doctor kennicott. " 马伯里先生瓮声瓮气地说,“卡萝尔,过来,见见肯尼科特大夫”。 |
| 10. | To lighten the atmosphere, byron asked slote about the workings of the embassy . 为了缓和一下空气,拜伦问起斯鲁特大使馆里的工作情况。 |