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English translation for "特定参数"

individual parameters
special parameter

Related Translations:
特定酒店:  official hotel
特定弹道:  specified trajectory
特定体积:  designated volume
特定服务:  specific service
特定货品:  specific goods
特定零件:  specific component
特定管辖:  in a given jurisdiction
特定物:  individually defined thingparticular thingres certae; a certain thingspecial thingspecies
特定时间表:  specific timetable
特定主题:  themes
Example Sentences:
1.In the example ensure that it will expire after two seconds
2.Utility . for information about specific arguments , see
有关特定参数的信息,请参阅sql server 2005联机丛书中的
3.Specifies compiler configuration settings for available language providers
4.For detailed information about specific parameters for installing from command prompt , see
5.Object to receive a list of possible values supported by a particular parameter of a particular image encoder
6.For example , this can be mapped to the xlink : role and used as an implementation specific argument in other scenarios
例如,它可以映射到xlink : role并用作其他方案中的实现特定参数
7.Your goal is to make the xsd utility output a class , in the language of your choice , that contains specific parameters and properties
8.It probably will . if not , you can reboot later and look for any special parameters that inform the system about your hardware
9.If a particular argument has no required custom modifiers , specify a null reference nothing in visual basic instead of an array of types
如果某个特定参数没有必需的自定义修饰符,请指定空引用(在visual basic中为nothing ) ,而不要指定类型数组。
10.If a particular argument has no optional custom modifiers , specify a null reference nothing in visual basic instead of an array of types
如果某个特定参数没有可选的自定义修饰符,请指定空引用(在visual basic中为nothing ) ,而不要指定类型数组。
Similar Words:
"特定部位" English translation, "特定财产" English translation, "特定财产保险" English translation, "特定财产留置权" English translation, "特定采购任务" English translation, "特定查册" English translation, "特定产品" English translation, "特定常规武器公约" English translation, "特定偿债基金" English translation, "特定成本" English translation