" the basket was full of all kinds of fruit - apples , guavas , grapes . why did master single out the mango that i dread ? 果篮中水梨苹果蕃石榴葡萄等等,围得圆圆满满,师父为何独独锺情我视为畏途的芒果?
Although i was not particularly absorbed with the love , death and sorrow of the story , i looked forward to seeing this northern european country ? norway 虽然我不曾被故事里爱情、死亡、悲伤迷醉,却独独很是向往挪威这个国家。
The moon reflected in the twin ponds . that ' s an erhu solo . butterfly lovers . that ' s violin concerto . and some other popular folk music and songs 二胡独独奏《二泉映月》 、小提琴独奏《梁祝》以及其他一些颇受欢迎的民歌和民乐。
Relinquishing all ideas of righteousness , surrender unto me exclusively ; i will deliver you from all sinful reactions , do not despair 放弃所有的是非观念,独独地皈依于“我” , “我”就会把你从所有的恶报中解脱出来,不要绝望。
In my close reading of his less known early sketch , , alexanderz ge mittels wallungen " from the year 1924 , want to unfold the text with lacans ' concepts 本人在此尤其想以拉康之构思延展其1924年稍不为人知的习作沸沸扬扬的亚历山大军队,并独独以此文本为研究核心。