Mingled with the crowd were about twenty rough-looking men-stranger to the townwho wore huge green rosettes and loudly applauded the speakers . 有二十来个粗眉大眼的陌生汉子带着绿色的大玫瑰花结混在群众中间高声为演讲人喝采。
And presently the interrupter and his friends found themselves surrounded by the gang of hired bullies who wore the big rosettes and who glared menacingly at them . 这位打断发言的人和他的朋友发现自己被一群雇用的打手包围住了,打手们佩着大玫瑰花结,咄咄逼人地瞪着他们看。
The epithelial component in this wilms tumor consists of primitie cuboidal cells forming tubular structures and rosettes 肿瘤含有原始结构的立方上皮细胞,形成原始管状结构和玫瑰花结样结构。