论: 论名词(记录孔子及其门徒的言行的“论语”) the analects of confucius
Example Sentences:
Some characteristics of ring theory andgraph theory on finite group automata 有限群自动机的若干环论与图论性质
In the second section , we will present a ring - theoretical proof for the necessary and sufficient condition for a [ d ] to be simple , as an associative algebra 第二节给出了a [ d ]作为结合代数是单的充分必要条件的一个环论的证明。
In chapter l , we characterize various rings theoretic properties of formal triangular matrix rings . some results are obtained on these rings concerning properties such as being respectively right p . p , generalized right p . p . right semihereditary , minsym - metric ds semicommutative or reversible 第一部分讨论了形式三角矩阵环的几种环论性质,得到了与右p . p 、广义右p . p 、右半遗传、 minsymmetric 、 ds 、半交换和reversible这些环的性质相关的结论。
In the last section , we discuss the covers and envelopes both of which are of great importance in the field of ring theories . by the morita context functors we can transform from rx - cover ( envelope ) into sx - f - cover ( envelope ) . finally they are further characterized by the particular properties of the direct limit 在第四部分中,我们对环论中十分重要的内容? ?包与盖进行探讨,通过一类特殊的模范畴_ rx ( _ sx ) ,使_ rx -包(盖)在moritacontext函子作用下转化为_ sx -包(盖) ,最后利用正向极限的特性,进一步刻画这类特殊的包与盖。