| 1. | In addition new borers and fungi have been introduced on imported materials . 此外,许多新的木材玷孔虫和腐朽菌也随进口木材引入了这些国家。 |
| 2. | Immaculate heart of mary church taipo 圣母无玷之心堂大埔 |
| 3. | Immaculate heart of mary chapel central 圣母无玷之心小堂 |
| 4. | Cathedral of the immaculate conception mid - levels immaculate heart of mary chapel central 圣母无玷之心小堂中区 |
| 5. | Immaculate heart of mary church 圣母无玷之心堂 |
| 6. | Ornaments would mar our union ; they would come between thee and me ; their jingling would drown thy whispers 妆饰会成为我们合一之玷:它们会横阻在我们之间,它们丁当的声音会掩没了你的细语。 |
| 7. | The long - threatened yangtze river dolphin in china is probably extinct , according to an international team of researchers 根据一队国际调查小组,一直受威胁的长江河豚在中国玷能已经绝种了。 |
| 8. | Jade of uncut jade , have vertical - horizontal ruler on person who has no time flaw in a piece of jade , ancient emperor is it think the imperial seal to fetch , the ancient piece of 璞中之玉,有纵横尺于无暇玷者,古帝王取以为玺,所谓连城之璧,也不易得。 |
| 9. | And in thy awful second coming , make me , a sinner , worthy to stand on the right hand of thy glory , through the intercessions of thy holy and most pure mother and of all thy saints 因你至圣无玷的母亲及诸圣的代祷,求你使我罪人得以在你威严可畏的第二次降临时,得以站立在你光辉荣耀的右边。 |
| 10. | Lord christ our god , king of the ages and creator of all , i thank thee for all the blessings thou hast granted me and for the communion of thy pure and life - giving mysteries 主基督,我们的上帝,万世万代的君王,万有的创造者,为了你赐与我的一切恩惠,并使我领受你那纯洁无玷、赋予生命的奥迹,我感谢你。 |