The little plum-tree outside, with the faintly flushed snow lining its boughs and artfully disposed along its trunk, stood in full sunlight . 窗外幼小的梅树一株,正璨璨于满眼晴光之下,枝柯覆雪,风致绝佳。
Something outside caught my eye and dazzled me 窗外有物璨璨兮跃然入目。
Artist name : an , jun can 艺人名称:安钧璨
Male artist an , jun can 男艺人安钧璨
Tecentist ( j . w . t . ) lighting co . , ltd is located in zhongshan guzhen - the lighitng capital of china 中山璨思特(璀璨)灯饰灯饰有限公司总位于广东中山- - - -有名的中国灯饰之都。
All rights are reserved by tsan - kuang lee . copying or quoting any part of this homepage without the author ' s written permition is not allowed 本网页所有内容之版权由本人李璨光保留。请勿抄袭或在未经本人正式书面许可情形下引用。
Nowadays , facing the age of global village , juitsan is more actively to expand its international trade to all the other countries . with our creditworthiness , we expect sustainable operation to offer even better quality and service 面对地球村时代的来临,瑞璨实业期望用多年的品牌信誉与品质保证,更积极拓展其他各国的市场,以期永续经营。