奖: Ⅰ动词(奖励;夸奖) encourage; praise; reward; commend 短语和例子褒奖 praise and honour; commend and award; 有功者奖。 those who have gained merit will be rewarded.Ⅱ名词1.(为了鼓励或表扬而给予的荣誉或财物等) award; prize; reward
盛: 盛动词1.(把东西放在器具里; 装) fill; ladle 短语和例子盛饭 fill a bowl with rice; 盛汤 ladle out soup; 把菜盛出来 ladle food from the pot; dish out food; 缸里盛满了酒。 the crock isfilled with wine. 他给自己盛了一碗炖肉。 he ladled a