| 1. | Waste conversion is a part of the production process . 废物处理是生产过程的一个组成部分。 |
| 2. | The exigencies of forming may make it necessary to mismanage a pasture . 生产过程中的突发性事件可能会迫使采取不适当的草场管理措施。 |
| 3. | During the manufacturing process a plant usually experiences a degree of material shrinkage . 在生产过程中,工厂通常总要受到一点材料上的损失。 |
| 4. | For a more detailed explanation of cotton processing, refer to the "american cotton handbook" . 如果更详细了解棉织品的生产过程,读者可参阅《美国棉花手册》。 |
| 5. | The large pig is less likely to divert feed energy from productive processes to keep itself warm . 较大的猪似乎很少将饲料能从生产过程转移到维持它的体温上去。 |
| 6. | We who are inside the economic system are not conscious of how roundabout our productive processes have become . 我们处于这种经济制度之内的人未感觉到现在生产过程是多么迂回弯转。 |
| 7. | It is "gross" because it does not deduct any charge for the depreciation of capital used up in the course of this production . 它由于未扣除该生产过程中资本损耗的折旧费用而被称为“总值”。 |
| 8. | Evaporative recovery can be used on almost all process rinse water systems, with the exception of those which deteriorate with use . 蒸气回收法可用于几乎所有生产过程的漂洗水系统,那些因使用而变质的除外。 |
| 9. | Electrostatic precipitation is the leading and most versatile method for high-efficiency collection of dusts, fumes, and mists from industrial furnace and process gases . 电收尘是回收工业炉及其生产过程气体中的粉尘,微尘和烟雾的最主要和最通用的高效率收尘方法。 |
| 10. | The technology transformation in tio2 production 钛白生产过程几个工序的技术改造 |