| 1. | Cold and raw things never agree with me . 生冷的东西我总吃不服。 |
| 2. | Avoid eating anything raw or cold . 忌食生冷。 |
| 3. | People suffering from dysentery must avoid raw , cold or greasy food . 得了痢疾忌讳吃生冷油腻食物。 |
| 4. | 5 take cold dishes , iced drinks and cut fruits with caution 5小心食用生冷食品加冰的饮料和切开的水果 |
| 5. | Don t buy from shops that hang the meat outside . don t buy food from unlicensed cooked food stalls or unlicensed hawkers 不要光顾无牌食物档和熟食小贩或从他们那里购买熟食或生冷食物。 |
| 6. | Note : avoid having raw , cold , spicy or oily food ( same apply to lactating mother ) , if condition is not improved , consult a medical doctor 注意:服药时忌食生冷油腻辛辣之物(乳母同忌) ,若病情需要,须由医生诊治。 |
| 7. | You have been imparted the following experiences when you have your first period - - - don ' t eat raw and cold food ; don ' t do severe activities 第一次来月经时,你就被传授了以下经验? ?不能吃生冷食物、不能剧烈运动。 |
| 8. | For example : people with cold constitution may have aversion to cold , loose stool and pale complexion . they may feel sick after eating cold and raw food . in such case , chinese medicines of cold nature , e . g 例如属于寒性体质的人平常大都怕冷大便稀软面色苍白吃生冷食物后感到不适那么寒凉性质的中药如黄连板蓝根之类应当慎用。 |
| 9. | A teenager secondary student told me frankly that his friends at school just do n ' t care what degrees their teachers hold , as long as they show a keen commitment to education . the writer is executive reporter of lianhe zaobao . translated by allen zhuang 他们需要一位长辈点铁成金,把“生冷”的知识“疏离”的人情化成璀灿斑烂翩翩起舞,能让他们兴致盎然,在后面追逐乐趣无穷的花蝴蝶。 |
| 10. | One should pay attention to food hygiene , e . g . food should be washed before cooking , spoiled food should not be eaten . one should also be aware that different kinds of food should be abstained from under different conditions e . g 必须注意饮食卫生例如食物烹调前要洗净变质的食物不能吃还要注意食物禁忌例如感冒不宜吃羊肉同时亦要饮食有节定时定量不可偏食例如吃过多生冷寒凉食物易损伤脾胃。 |