| 1. | Village life is too dull for me . 我觉得乡村的生活方式太单调乏味了。 |
| 2. | He has made a clean break with the past . 他完全改变了过去的生活方式。 |
| 3. | He was luxurious in his way of living . 他的生活方式是很讲究的。 |
| 4. | This was just the kind of life he liked . 这正是他所喜欢的那种生活方式。 |
| 5. | He disliked their affluent way of life . 他不喜欢他们那种优裕的生活方式。 |
| 6. | This faith rules our whole way of life . 这个信念主宰着我们的整个生活方式。 |
| 7. | All that form of life was outside him . 对于那种生活方式,他全然是个门外汉。 |
| 8. | Civilized men like such a way of living . 受过文明熏陶的人们喜欢这种生活方式。 |
| 9. | I continued to follow my old weekly routine . 我还是继续过每周老一套的生活方式。 |
| 10. | She adapted easily to the french way of life . 她很容易就适应了法国人的生活方式。 |