Some problems on the burden of land taxes in the late qing dynasty 晚清田赋负担水平若干问题的考察
Dao yin has been applied to clinical use in china with an astounding suc ? cess rate of 90 per cent 尹道已应用于临床使用中的一个惊人皮下注射-田赋率为90 %
The empirical research on the change of tax - burden and economic performance in ming dynasty : a view from econometrics 明代田赋变化与经济绩效关系的计量研究
At the same time , the agricultural output value had increased obviously due to the facts such as the rising prices 与此同时,由于物价上涨等因素,农业产值也有明显的增长,清末实际征收的田赋额尚不到农业产值的3 % 。
Henan still took the agricultural economy as the main local economy since modern age , tax on farmland became the main source of henan financial income and the county financial income at that time 近代以来的河南仍然是以农业为地方经济的主体,田赋就成了这一时期河南省财政收入、县财政收入的主要来源。
In the late qing dynasty , the land tax revenue , according to the government statistics , had risen gradually from 30 million taels to 50 million taels , while the actual land taxes almost doubled during the period 摘要晚清时期,政府统计的田赋收入由约0 . 3亿两渐增至0 . 5亿两,而实际征收的田赋估计要增加1倍。
In addition , because of the cultivated lands and the average output value per capita decreased markedly , it is wrong to say that the burden of the land taxes was lighter than in the early qing dynasty 此外,由于人均耕地面积明显减少和人均农业产出的下降,晚清田赋实际负担水平较清代前期有较大幅度下降的观点并不成立。